The role of Edge capping Paper (Corner Bracket/Angle nestled )

In the manufacturing, storage and freight industry there is a lot of time for damage to occur, especially if the product is being handled many times during exportation. Damage to new goods during these procedures is highly frustrating and avoiding this should be high on any company’s agenda. Traditional methods such as foam are often …

Application of Honeycomb paper

With Honeycombs light but very strong nature it is gradually becoming a hig hly demanded product in more and more industries: -Furniture and crafts:     Honeycomb products can be used in the making of tables, cabinets and simple furniture to lower the costs and increase its usefulness. -The Decorative industry:           Honeycomb …

Honeycomb paper summary

Honeycomb Paper is not new to the world packaging market and Vietnam also. This unique type of paper has its advantages of being compact, solid and also elastic to resist high levels of stresses and shockes. Often used in the packaging and carrying of goods but also has its place in architectural interiors i.e. doors …

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